About Dry eye

Dry eye is one of the least understood ocular diseases and yet one of the most common complaints we hear from  patients.

Women are more frequently affected than men. Dry Eye Disease is often caused by hormonal changes due to aging, menopause, and other medical conditions or their treatments.

Your eyes need a constant layer of healthy, balanced tears called the “tear film” to stay nourished and protected. A change in the quality or the quantity of your tears can result in an un-balanced tear film.

Dry Eye Symptoms

Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease may include:

Scratchy Sensation
Sensitivity to Light
Tired Eyes
Contact Lens Discomfort
Blurred Vision

These dry eye disease symptoms often worsen at the end of the day or after visually focusing for a prolonged period on a nearby task.

Often dry eye symptoms are mistaken for allergies, climatic conditions or just “eyestrain”. While all of these may aggravate Dry Eye Disease, they are not the cause.

Dry Eye Causes

Environmental Causes:

Hot, dry and/or windy climates, high altitudes, excessive sun exposure, central heating, air conditioning, cigarette smoke, air pollution, air travel.

Refractive eye surgeries:

Dry eye is the most common complaint following LASIK. Your doctor should test your eyes prior to surgery to ensure the best outcome.

Contact Lens Wear:

Two million people a year give up on wearing contact lenses. 50% of these contact lens “dropouts” say its due to dryness or discomfort. If you have Dry Eye Disease, your doctor can prescribe a specific lens for your condition or prescribe treatment to allow you to wear your lenses more comfortably.

Low blink rate:

Blinking is critical in stimulating tear production, as well as spreading the tears across the eye’s surface. The three common culprits responsible for reducing your blink rate are computer use, reading, and watching TV. Sometimes just remembering to blink can improve how your eyes feel.


It is important that your eye doctor know all of the medications that you take. Some medications known to aggravate dry eye disease are; allergy medications, decongestants, antidepressants, blood pressure medications, birth control pills, diuretics, and pain medications just to name a few.


Some diseases associated with dry eye disease are; Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Sjögren’s syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Lacrimal Gland Deficiency, Blepharitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and Rosacea.

Hormonal deficiencies or changes:

Thyroid conditions, hormonal changes during menopause, decreased production of androgen, estrogen supplementation can all affect ocular health. Be sure to let your doctor know if you are taking hormone replacement therapy or have a thyroid condition.


Many treatments for dry eyes are available without a prescription.  However, it’s wise to see an optometrists to evaluate the cause of the condition and to create the best treatment plan for you.

Treatments for dry eyes may include:

  • Changes in diet
  • Supplementation
  • Artificial Tears: There are many artificial tears available over the counter. Ask an Accredited Dry Eye Center which drop is best for your specific condition.
  • Ointments. If your eyes dry out while you sleep, you can use a thicker lubricant, such as an ointment, at night.
  • Plugs (temporary and permanent punctual occlusion). Sometimes it is necessary to close the ducts that drain tears out of the eye. Temporary or permanent plugs can be inserted to hold tears around the eyes longer. Many patients find that plugs improve comfort and reduce the need for artificial tears.
  • Restasis®. For the treatment of chronic dry eye, Restasis is currently the only prescription eye drop that helps your eyes increase their own tear production with continued use.
  • Other medications. Other medications, including topical steroids, may also be beneficial in some cases.
  • Surgery. If needed, the ducts that drain tears into the nose can be permanently closed to allow more tears to remain around the eye. This is done with local anesthetic on an outpatient basis. There are no limitations in activity after having this surgery.

Our doctors at Fine Eyewear & Eye care in Cedar Park treat patients who suffer from dry eye every day. Fine Eyewear is  located at the three corners of Cedar Park, Austin and Round Rock, TX and a short drive from Georgetown, TX . Some of the local neighborhoods served by Fine Eyewear include Forest Oaks, Silver Oaks, Teravista, Avery Ranch, Stone Canyon, Mayfield Ranch, The Ranch at Brushy Creek, Vista Oaks and Wood Glen – we have an eye doctor close by for you! Come and See us! Visit our main website at www.FineEyewear.net